
Monday, June 20, 2005

I just finished When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? by George Carlin. As usual, there were funny bits and not so funny bits. I'm sure that this would have been much funnier to listen to him deliver. So much is about the presentation. Having said that, I still wasn't all that impressed by huge chunks of the book. I mean, it is funny to talk about euphamisms a couple of times, but it seemed he came back to this every few pages. It really got old after a while and I found myself skimming through those parts.

As usual he is completely irreverent, which can be funny but at times felt forced, as if some of his jokes were made only to cause a ruckus, not really to be funny. Oh well. I did enjoy his one liners that were reminiscent of Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey. Overall I'd give this book 4/10 stars.

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