
Friday, March 26, 2004

I'm trying to clean up my profile on bookcrossing.com, but I would still like to keep a record of books I've read, so I'm moving books I read last year over to this site. So without further ado, here are the books I read in 2003 (I think this is like from July-ish on):

Timbit Nation: A Hitchiker's View of Canada by John Stackhouse (library book) 7/10 stars
The Devil in the White City:Murder, Magic and Madness at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larson (library book) 7/10 stars
Coyote Medicine by Lewis Mehl-Madrona (library book) 8/10 stars
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares (controlled release to Puppetlady)
The Probable Future (bookray book)
Affluenza by John De Graaf (library book) 8/10 stars
Fluke, or I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings by Christopher Moore (library book) 8/10 stars
Wedding Party by Robyn Carr (bookray book)
How to Cook a Tart by Nina Killham (released at the Meetup)
Death in Holy Orders by Danzy Senna (released at the Meetup)
Caucasia by Danzy Senna (released at the Meetup)
Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore (released at the Meetup)
The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth, PhD (library book)
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (wild release)
Icy Sparks by Gwyn Hyman Rubio (controlled release to phillycarol)
Creek Walk and Other Stories by Molly Giles (wild release)
Waiting: True Confessions of a Waitress by Debra Ginsberg (library book) 8/10 stars
Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich (controlled release to snakegroup)
How to Be Good by Nick Hornby (library book) 7/10 stars
Bedford Square by Anne Perry (wild release)
Letters From a Nut by Ted L. Nancy (wild release)
Fifth Business by Robertson Davies (borrowed from a friend) 6/10 stars
Why I Hate Canadians by Will Ferguson (borrowed from a friend) 9/10 stars
The Island of the Sequined Love Nun by Christopher Moore (library book) 8/10 stars
Lamb: the Gospel According to Biff, Jesus' Childhood Friend by Christopher Moore (library book) 10/10 stars

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Just finished Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven. It's a book about the Mormon faith, specifically extreme Mormon fundamentalists. It is an interesting look at a subculture, but not as intriguing as Krakauer's other books. It feels like he was holding something back throughout the entire text. I was left feeling a little empty, as if a piece to tie it all together in some coherent way was missing.

Monday, March 08, 2004

Yum! Tofu quiche for dinner tonight! I've been having a craving for nutritional yeast (maybe I am low in vitamin B12?), so I thought I'd whip up a little something something. I made two while I was at it, one for now and one for the freezer. I do like cooking so much more in our new apartment! It makes such a difference in my attitude when I can see outside during meal preparations! Happily, there are leftovers, so I know what I'll be packing for lunch tomorrow!

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