
Tuesday, February 24, 2004

It's been a while... So many things have happened since October! Went to Chicago to visit the fam for Christmas. Went to Santiago, Chile for a CISV summer camp for 13 year olds. Made it through midterms after missing much school while in Chile. And now here on spring break (watching the snow fall heavily outside!). We are in the process of moving this week. All our ger should be at the new place by this Saturday. Looking forward to the change of scenery and neighborhood.

I had a great appointment yesterday with my clinician. We were talking about Christine Page. Allison is taking her class and I just read her book, Spiritual Alchemy. Amazing coincidence! One of the things that they are talking about in the class is the age of the Crystal Children. I was really intrigued by this when I read it in the book. Allison said that when they were learning about it, she had strong images of me sitting with her. She spoke with Christine about me and asked whether or not crystal children could have been born slightly earlier than is generally thought. Allison didn't get an answer one way or the other, but she seems to think that I am connected to and may be one of these crystal children.

I was reading online about the crystal children. It made me think of my nephew, Louis. I was at his birth and immediately felt a kinship with him. He is so energetically charged. Whenever I did Cranial-Sacral or Reiki work on him, he responded instantly and powerfully. While I was reading online, I remembered something that my mom said soon after Louis was born. She was looking at a photo of him and mentioned that he doesn't really look like anyone in the family. When I looked at the photo, I remembered a photo taken of me at around the same age. We found the photo and put the two next to each other. He and I could practically be twins. Same wide eyes and open expression. I'm not sure what all this means, but I do know that I have been getting the message strongly that my job here in this lifetime is to move energy. I don't yet know what energy, but I am trying to remain open to receiving more information about my life's path. It is comforting to feel so close to Louis and know that we are here to do some good work together!

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