
Sunday, September 07, 2003

Back to school...fresh pencils, new notebooks, fun new pens. Yep, early to bed tonight because tomorrow morning a 6am wakeup is likely to be a rude change from my pattern of sleeping in until 9.

Maria Hoeffer

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Ah, Saturday. A day for rest and play and general amusement. It is already 3:30 and I have yet to leave the apartment, or even change out of my pjs! Yes, I've been busy all morning preparing books for their release into the wild. Have you checked out www.bookcrossing.com yet? Fabulous site! Here's my bookshelf there: Ri's bookshelf

Anyway, this is the last weekend before back to school. Not sure if I am quite ready for my new classes on Monday. There will also be about 100 new people (joining my tiny class of 37!). Second year of naturopathic medical school. Who would have thought?

I've really been taking it easy for the past two weeks of summer break. Hanging out, walking around town, visiting second-hand shops. Yesterday I found a secondhand shop that sells clothing by the pound ($2CDN per lb)! Pretty good deal. I scored a puffy black fall jacket, an orange hat for my nephew, a set of cloth napkins, a pair of pj pants, a bunch of "dress-ups", an awesome silky skirt, a silly knit hat for my man and a bunch of random fabric. All for the low low price of $8.73CDN! Woo hoo! They also had bunches of books for 50cents so I picked up several to read and release (see above bookcrossing link!).

Tonight I have a date with Jay. We are seeing Spellbound at the local repertory theatre. I'm so glad they are showing it again. I missed it the first time around. It is my little part to support the Toronto Film Festival. (OK, I know this documentary is not part of the festival, but tickets are expensive and hard to come by for the real thing!) I was tooling around Yorkville yesterday in hopes of running into some famous somebody here for the festival but no dice. Just as well, I suppose. Maybe tomorrow I will get all dressed up in my Holly Golightly costume and walk around pretending to be someone famous!

Well, the world outside calls. There are 3 books on the hold shelf at the library for me and 5 books for me to relase into the wild...

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